On Saturday, 3 October 2020, the Chair Francesco Profumo was among the leading figures attending the “Art, Education and Culture of Sustainability” event organised to share analyses, testimonies and perspectives on the commitment to achieve the UN’s 2030 Agenda.
The event is connected with the “Toward 2030. What are you doing?” project implemented thanks to a collaboration between the City of Turin, ASviS – Alleanza Italiana per lo Sviluppo Sostenibile and Lavazza SpA, aimed at using the artistic language of street art and urban art to improve knowledge and awareness of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals defined by the United Nations and formalised in the 2030 Agenda.
Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo is working hard on the Global Goals and on the relationship between art, education and culture and, thanks to the involvement of its Chair Francesco Profumo, it will have an opportunity to contribute its own experience. The alignment of the Foundation’s structure with the 2030 Agenda has in fact led to a profound reflection on the role that culture, in all its forms, and education play in increasing the involvement of institutions, the charitable sector and citizens in pursuing the common goal of sustainable development. It is precisely with this in mind that, at the beginning of the year, the three Goals of – Culture, People and Planet – were defined. These now form the structure around which Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo is organised and guide its work.
The “Toward 2030. What are you doing?” project contributes to making Turin a key player in fulfilling the commitment stated by the United Nations. It has in fact led to the creation of 18 works of art – 17 connected with the Sustainable Development Goals and one entitled “Global Zero. What are you doing?” – and the organisation of two exhibitions at the Royal Museums of Turin. The first was inaugurated on 10 July 2020 and the second on 1 October 2020, coinciding with the creation of a land art work by the French artist Saype in the Porte Palatine gardens in Turin