Turin is preparing to become the European capital of social- and environmental-impact finance. EVPA Impact Week in November will be a unique opportunity for the global community to come together and find out more about new trends in the industry. The Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo is one of the initiative’s anchor sponsors.
NewsOnce again in 2023, Startup Genome has acknowledged the capital of Piedmont as playing an important role as a “laboratory” for innovators. This great success is the result of the joint work of the main stakeholders in the ecosystem, including the Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo.
NewsNow online, the full schedule for the event on 27 June organised by Innovazione per lo Sviluppo: immersive experiences, meetings and networking for innovation.
NewsEntries are now open, on the Concorrimi platform, for the design competition announced by Fondazione Ufficio Pio, in collaboration with Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo, aimed at building a complex of modern dwellings for longevity.