The Planet Goal is divided into five working teams, covering five missions: Harnessing the value of research, Boosting innovation, Fostering international opportunities, Promoting well-being and Protecting the environment.

Planet Goal

Knowledge, Development, Quality of Life.
Let’s support the future.

Paolo Mulassano

Paolo Mulassano

Planet Goal Manager

tel: +39 011 15630160

Harnessing the value of research Mission

The mission contributes to the development of research aimed at advancing scientific knowledge, by harnessing the value of top-quality training to deliver a positive economic, social and environmental impact.

  • Address: Vittorio Emanuele II, 75 - 10128 Torino
  • e-mail:
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Working team
Ada Maria Teresa Re

Ada Maria Teresa Re

Harnessing the value of research Mission Manager

tel: +39 011 15630166

Daniela Gregnanin

Daniela Gregnanin

Harnessing the value of research Mission

tel: +39 011 15630170

Sara Minucci

Sara Minucci

Harnessing the value of research Mission

tel: +39 011 15630171

Arianna Porrone

Arianna Porrone

Harnessing the value of research Mission

Claudia Traina

Claudia Traina

Harnessing the value of research Mission

tel: +39 011 15630164

Boosting innovation Mission

The mission encourages the dissemination of knowledge, models, and practices designed to generate positive change for people and communities, by promoting a more inclusive paradigm of economic development and better access to technology for everyone.

  • Address: Vittorio Emanuele II, 75 - 10128 Torino
  • e-mail:
  • Certified email:
Working team
Daniela Gregnanin

Daniela Gregnanin

Boosting Innovation Mission Manager

tel: +39 011 15630170

Sara Leporati

Sara Leporati

Boosting Innovation Mission

tel: +39 011 15630162

Sara Minucci

Sara Minucci

Boosting Innovation Mission

tel: +39 011 15630171

Claudia Traina

Claudia Traina

Boosting Innovation Mission

tel: +39 011 15630164

Fostering international opportunities Mission

The mission provides opportunities for access to an international scenario, to facilitate full understanding of the European and global framework, with a view to boosting the sharing of good practice and identifying opportunities for collaboration.

  • Address: Vittorio Emanuele II, 75 - 10128 Torino
  • e-mail:
  • Certified email:
Working team
Nicolò Russo Perez

Nicolò Russo Perez

Fostering International Opportunities Mission Manager

tel: +39 011 15630129

Sara Minucci

Sara Minucci

Fostering International Opportunities Mission

tel: +39 011 15630171

Promoting well-being Mission

The mission encourages people to adopt healthy lifestyles, and prompts the health system to introduce new organisational models, thanks in part to technological innovation, aimed at improving the sustainability of the system, to the benefit of the principle of prevention.

  • Address: Vittorio Emanuele II, 75 - 10128 Torino
  • e-mail:
  • Certified email:
Working team
Silvia Dorato

Silvia Dorato

Promoting Well-Being Mission Manager

tel: +39 011 15630161

Marco Bigica

Marco Bigica

Promoting Well-Being Mission

Ada Maria Teresa Re

Ada Maria Teresa Re

Promoting Well-Being Mission

tel: +39 011 15630166

Protecting the environment Mission

The mission identifies care for the environment as an opportunity to introduce a new idea of growth that is fairer, more prosperous and more sustainable for everyone.

  • Address: Vittorio Emanuele II, 75 - 10128 Torino
  • e-mail:
  • Certified email:
Working team
Sara Leporati

Sara Leporati

Protecting the Environment Mission Manager

tel: +39 011 15630162

Carolina Grossetti

Carolina Grossetti

Protecting the environment Mission

tel: +39 011 15630164

Alice Minichini

Alice Minichini

Protecting the Environment Mission

tel: +39 011 15630165

Nicolò Russo Perez

Nicolò Russo Perez

Protecting the Environment Mission

tel: +39 011 15630129

Claudia Traina

Claudia Traina

Protecting the Environment Mission

tel: +39 011 15630164