Monitors administrative and organisational matters, and maximises the impact of human resources. Manages relations with the consortium PR.I.S.MA – Progetti Innovazione Soluzioni Management S.c.r.l, and integrates its activities

Operations Department

Giorgia Valle

Giorgia Valle

Operations Department Manager

tel: +39 011 15630122

Tommaso Mainardi

Tommaso Mainardi

Operations Department

Internal Audit

Performs checks on the organisation’s main processes in order to monitor the degree of effectiveness of the control measures and supports the bodies in charge of internal control (Board of Auditors and Supervisory Body pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/2001) with their own supervisory activities.

  • Address: Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 75 – 10128 Torino
  • e-mail:
Dario Ferrero

Dario Ferrero

Internal Audit Manager

tel: +39 011 15630365

Cost Management

Monitors economic variables related to the management of the organisation and disbursement activities by setting and measuring management indicators and organising dedicated reports. Acts as a link and interface between the structures of FCSP and CSP - ST in connection with the services provided by the latter (e.g. purchasing, IT, legal).

  • Address: Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 75 – 10128 Torino
  • e-mail:
Massimo Millanesio

Massimo Millanesio

Cost Management Manager

tel: +39 011 15630350

Luisa Giachino

Luisa Giachino

Cost Management

tel: +39 011 15630352

Erika Pinna

Erika Pinna

Cost Management

tel: +39 011 15630353

Salvatore Laveneziana

Salvatore Laveneziana

Cost Management

tel: +39 011 15630353

Giulia Ortalda

Giulia Ortalda

Cost Management

tel: +39 011 15630351

Human Resources and Organisation

Manages and coordinates the organisational development of Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo, focusing on the development and enhancement of human resources.

  • Address: Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 75 – 10128 Torino
  • e-mail:
  • Certified email:
Simona Cresta

Simona Cresta

Human Resources and Organisation

tel: +39 011 15630304

Paola Filipponi

Paola Filipponi

Human Resources and Organisation Manager

tel: +39 011 15630360

Cecilia Ghio

Cecilia Ghio

Human Resources and Organisation

Elena Re

Elena Re

Human Resources and Organisation

tel: +39 011 5596818

Administration, Budget and Financial Reporting

Manages the activities required to draft the budget and financial statements, supporting the institutional sector with the administrative management of projects (from the receipt of requests for contributions to the administrative control of expenses incurred in the context of the funded initiatives) and monitors the fulfilment of tax obligations.

  • Address: Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 75 – 10128 Torino
  • e-mail:
  • Certified email:
Marco Molino

Marco Molino

Administration, Budget and Financial Reporting Manager

tel: +39 011 15630330

Federica Agnelli

Federica Agnelli

Administration, Budget and Financial Reporting

tel: +39 011 15630331

Simona Dicesare

Simona Dicesare

Administration, Budget and Financial Reporting

tel: +39 011 15630332

Luca Leoncino

Luca Leoncino

Administration, Budget and Financial Reporting

tel: +39 011 15630333

Alessandra Rosso

Alessandra Rosso

Administration, Budget and Financial Reporting

tel: +39 011 15630334

Paolo Salvemini

Paolo Salvemini

Administration, Budget and Financial Reporting

tel: +39 011 15630335

Giuseppe Tabbita

Giuseppe Tabbita

Administration, Budget and Financial Reporting

tel: +39 011 15630336

Massimo Vigna

Massimo Vigna

Administration, Budget and Financial Reporting

tel: +39 011 15630337

Alessia Volpato

Alessia Volpato

Administration, Budget and Financial Reporting

tel: +39 011 15630337

Fabio Geninatti Togli

Fabio Geninatti Togli

Administration, Budget and Financial Reporting

Secretary’s office

Supports the Chair, the Secretary General and the Goal Managers in planning and organising their scheduled and unscheduled activities (organising meetings, keeping the diary, managing incoming and outgoing calls), collaborating and coordinating with the other departments of the Foundation.

  • Address: Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, 75 – 10128 Torino
Monica Cilli

Monica Cilli

CFO Secretary

tel: +39 011 15630140

Emanuela Giampaolo

Emanuela Giampaolo

Goals Secretariat

tel: +39 011 15630150

Maria Luisa Lotti

Maria Luisa Lotti


Paola Peracchi

Paola Peracchi

Chair’s Secretary

tel: +39 011 15630130

Maria Santoro

Maria Santoro

GS Secretary

tel: +39 011 15630120

Antonella Turato

Antonella Turato


tel: +39 011 15630105