Chair Marco Gilli
The Chair is appointed by the General Council, which also appoints the Vice-Chair. He or she holds office for four years, like the General Council, and can be re-appointed once only. He or she is FCSP’s legal representative; chairs meetings, establishes their agenda and directs the work of the General Council and Management Board; is entitled to take urgent measures in the interests of the FCSP and reports on them to the Management Board.
Secretary General Alberto Anfossi
The Secretary General is appointed by the Management Board. He or she heads FCSP’s operational arm.
General Council
The General Council is FCSP’s policy-making body. It has a four-year term of office. It is tasked with establishing FCSP’s priorities, programmes and goals, including monitoring the results thereof.
Management Board
The Management Board is appointed by the General Council and consists of five members, who automatically include the Chair and Vice-Chair. The Management Board holds office for the same period as the General Council, and the two bodies’ tenure expires at the same time.
The Management Board enjoys full powers of ordinary and extraordinary management of FCSP. The Management Board is therefore responsible for approving decisions regarding interventions in the relevant sectors.
Board of Auditors
The Board of Auditors, FCSP’s supervisory body, is appointed by the General Council and made up of three standing auditors, one of whom is the Chair of the Board of Auditors, and two alternate auditors.