A journey of discovery that winds its way through the streets of the historic centre, among true masterpieces of religious art and architecture.

Building capacity to attract
Preserving beauty

An awareness of the historic and artistic value of Turin’s sacred buildings, combined with a growing interest in systematically showcasing Turin’s historic centre, prompted Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo to take actions to support the religious heritage of the city by restoring several of the architectural gems that embellish its most historic district.

Since 2001, when the project was launched, we have invested over 25 million euros in restoration programmes focusing on the city’s most architecturally significant churches, many of which are located near outstanding examples of civic architecture. The aim was to trace a pathway between the city’s religious monuments to Baroque art, as a complement to the plan to restore and showcase its museum heritage.
This plan forms part of a wider programme to create an urban cultural district, in which the interaction between architecturally significant buildings, the museum system and the network of venues dedicated to performing arts and cultural output, will become a driving force for Turin’s long-term development.

Find out more at edificisacri.it

This project contributes to achieving the following Sustainable Development Goals

SDG 8 Decent work and economic growth
SDG 9 Industry, innovation and infrastructure
SDG 11 Sustainable cities and communities
SDG 12 Responsible consumption and production