Work continues in Orbassano (Turin) on a social housing project that is the first example of a residential complex designed to house people with severe motor disabilities.

Publication date: 19 October 2020

Work at the site created in January 019 continues with the aim of providing a solution to housing problems in the surrounding are and developing a new residential service specifically dedicated to integrating people with motor disabilities, working with a group set up to help people with severe disabilities resolve their housing problems.

Sharing Spaces, Including Differences is promoted by “Fondo Abitare Sostenibile Piemonte (FASP)”, funded by Cassa Depositi e Prestiti (through the Fondo Investimenti per l’Abitare – FIA) with a 66% share and by the biggest banking foundations in Piedmont, and is dedicated to developing social housing in the territory of Piedmont.

The iconic and exemplary project devised by the City of Orbassano, Cooperativa Giuseppe Di Vittorio, FASP and Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo, CDP Investimenti SGR (of the Cassa Depositi e Prestiti Group) and InvestiRE SGR (Italy’s leading manager of real estate investment funds, including FASP, which is particularly specialised in social housing projects) has been designed to achieve three consistent objectives: to design shared spaces, create them by promoting the inclusion of individuals with special needs and ensure an economic balance to make it possible to apply the tenant contributions system.

Construction will be completed as planned by Autumn 2021 when the dwellings will be ready to house the new inhabitants, including people with motor disability problems, particularly with spinal cord injuries and neurovegetative diseases, who will be allocated 10% of the apartments, a percentage intended to find the right balance and synergy between able-bodied and paratetraplegic people.

Sharing Spaces, Including Differences also includes the creation of common areas that will host activities and services, including re-education and psychological support, technological islands for laboratories, socialising areas. These spaces and the activities connected to them will be intended for both the allocated residents and other inhabitants of the area and will be managed and manned by specialised charities. 

“Cooperativa Di Vittorio confirms its commitment, starting with this project, to researching new forms of housing suitable for even the most vulnerable subjects.The architecture project has an ethical aspect beyond the purely technical dimension. The construction of the Orbassano complex, which features a variety of housing solutions designed for people with physical disabilities, is proceeding at a fast pace and without interruptions. We are confident that we will respect the scheduled delivery times for housing expected by many families” says architect Graziella Mercuri, who created the design and is managing the construction work.

Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo, which already invests 25 million euros in the FASP fund, is providing additional direct support of 350,000 euros for the activities and works specifically designed to create the component dedicated to disabled people. 

We believe social housing to be the answer to emerging questions, integrating people’s economic, social, relational and working needs and experimenting with new and replicable models. The project is a new model of Social Housing which we believe to be extremely important: a social infrastructure that promotes independent living for people with disabilities, with paths to developing autonomy, and creates a community of people who share spaces and a new way of “living together”. We believe it is a replicable way of contributing to the achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, in particular SDGs 10 Reduce inequalities and 11 Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable” – says Francesco Profumo, Chair of Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo.

“It is an evolved concept of social housing, which in addition to countering the housing problems faced by many families provides those suffering from motor disabilities with specific support, in line with CDP’s aim to achieve sustainable development with an impact on the community. Given the great success of the first phase of investment through the FASP Fund, the opportunity was welcomed to start a new phase of the project for the Arpini district, with a new and enriched social content, continuing to apply the principle of close collaboration with the local area and its main stakeholders – underlines Livio Cassoli, FIA and FIA2 Investment Manager of the Cassa Depositi e Prestiti asset management company.

“This important inclusion project – says Paolo Boleso, Fund Coordinator of InvestiRE SGR – is part of the broader investment fund management plan, aimed at developing social housing projects, which we are carrying out with Cassa Depositi e Prestiti Investimenti SGR and leading local banking foundations, as main investors, across the country. In the last nine years, in Piedmont alone, we have developed ten projects, located in the main provinces, providing a total of around 1,000 housing units, mainly intended for long-term rent at controlled rents, in order to meet the housing needs of as many families and promote the urban and social redevelopment of the respective urban areas.”

The Mayor of Orbassano, Cinzia Maria Bosso, said: “I am honoured to witness such a unique project in the territory I represent. A development intended to ensure inclusion and sharing and to eliminate differences on a daily basis. The project is part of a more general objective expressed by the slogan ‘Orbassano Without Barriers’, which this important work helps to pursue”.

“None of the various entities involved in this project would have been able to complete an intervention with these features on their own. Working together is the first step towards building communities; the building project in itself is not what characterizes our Cooperative, we have been committed to this goal for more than 40 years, aware that we still have a long way to go. Together with all of us, a major contribution has also been made by Ginaluca Pitzianti, likely to be one of the first to be allocated a home after being left with severe disabilities following an accident, and who has instilled courage, humanity and the joy of sharing spaces and including differences” concludes Massimo Rizzo, the Chairman of Cooperativa Di Vittorio.