The first stage of the selection process of the “Museo Egizio 2024” International Design Competition ended today. Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo, as the Organising Body of the “Museo Egizio 2024” design competition, in agreement with the members of the Selection Committee, announces the 5 groups of finalist professionals who will take part in the second phase.
- Giuseppe Bove (Pininfarina Architetture) – (Turin- Italy) – Under 40 Group Leader
- David Gianotten (O.M.A. – Office for Metropolitan Architecture) – (Rotterdam – Netherlands)
- Jette Cathrin Hopp (Snohetta) – (Oslo – Norway)
- Kengo Kuma (Kengo Kuma & Associates) – (Paris – France)
- Carlo Ratti (Carlo Ratti Associati) – (Turin – Italy)
“The first phase of the international competition for the Museo Egizio 2024 has ended with the selection of a small number of participants chosen on the basis of the competence and curriculum criteria stated in the call for proposals and of the statements made by the competitors themselves regarding some of the principles by which they will need to abide in the future design of the architectural spaces. – says Architect Marco Albini, Chair of the Selection Committee
The result of the competition is guaranteed to increase the appeal of the Museo Egizio to the city and make it part of the urban context by establishing new pedestrian connections between the various squares of Turin open to free circulation for citizens.
Some of these requirements were expressed by competitors and the committee agreed with the decision to restrict the short-list to 5 finalists, including Italian and international groups, who responded to the call for proposals.”
34 Competitors responded, with skills ranging from Architecture to Restoration, exhibition and museum staging, structural design, etc.
The candidates represented 9 countries: Italy, Denmark, France, Germany, United Kingdom, Norway, Netherlands, Spain, Sweden.
395 Professionals of 14 Nationalities were involved in the design groups.
2 bids were submitted by a Competitor whose Group Leader is a professional under the age of 40.
The assessment criteria were:
- Skills of the Competitor: Multidisciplinarity and quality in the composition of the Design Group (Curriculum, experience and skills of the members of the Competitor) Curriculum, experience and skills of the Parent Company and Multidisciplinarity of the Design Group.
- Quality of reference projects: List of up to 3 references deemed significant of the Competitor’s ability to perform the service considering the degree of complexity required by the Competition, Characteristics of the service performed in terms of similarity, quality and complexity and Composition, architectural and urban planning quality.
- Methodological report: description of the methodological approach that the competitor intends to adopt to develop the project, highlighting the integration of the knowledge and skills needed to develop the project proposal.
A combination of Baroque and contemporary architecture, the project will help renew the image of the Museo Egizio in Turin by showing how tradition and innovation can be integrated. The construction of the roof will allow public services, including the bookshop, cafeteria and ticket office, to be transferred to the courtyard, thus creating a multipurpose meeting space. The project as a whole will allow the city to enjoy a gathering place or agora, conceptually conceived as a covered square, a few steps from the nearby Piazza Carignano, accessible to citizens and tourists during the Museum’s opening hours. The underground floor may in future be used as a new and significant extension of the museum itinerary, thus offering the public further options to enjoy the museum’s collection.
The selection committee, which will meet in January 2023 to determine the winner, consists of the following:
Committee Chairman: Architect Marco Albini
Prof. Mario Alberto Chiorino, Emeritus Professor of Construction Sciences at the Polytechnic of Turin
Prof. Massimo Osanna, Director General for Museums at the Ministry of Culture, Lecturer in Archaeology at the University of Naples Federico II
Prof. Renata Picone, Lecturer in Architectural Restoration at the University of Naples Federico II, Director of the School of Specialisation in Architectural and Landscape Heritage of the same University
Prof. Francesco Profumo, Chair of Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo;
The selected design groups are published on the Concorrimi platform, the platform of the Profesional Association of Architects of Milan, which is hosting the competition procedure in collaboration with the Professional Association of Architects of Turin.