The teams of IST Tecnico Majorana of Turin and of the Galilei-Ferrari Institute of Turin win the virtual final for the Piedmont Region and the city of Genoa

Publication date: 13 May 2020

Turin, 13 May 2020 – An unprecedented virtual event was held today for the regional final of Green Jobs, an event involving over 300 young people from local schools in Piedmont and the city of Genoa.

Green Jobs, created in Lombardy by the Cariplo Foundation, is promoted in Piedmont by Fondazione CRT and Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo and run with the help of JA Italia and InVento Innovation Lab, with the aim of involving secondary school students in a challenging green self-employment programme, aimed at promoting crossover skills related to environmental sustainability and consistent with the SDGs, the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda, putting young people in touch with local manufacturing, social and institutional organisations.

Today, a panel of experts assessed the 12 mini-businesses created as part of the Green Jobs programme, naming the two winners: the team from IST Tecnico Majorana of Turin, which proposed MajoRevolution EXCHANGE.GJ, an online platform for buying and selling second-hand clothes, games and toys, which uses a sanitising service provided by approved partners (to deal with the problems caused by COVID-19) and neighbourhood homes as places of exchange, to avoid storage costs and charges; the team from Istituto Galilei-Ferrari of Turin, which launched the Green Leap.GJ idea: a speed bump, made mostly of recycled material, that generates electricity when the slowing vehicles pass over it and the design of which prioritised local partners in order to shorten the supply chain.

The final comes at the end of a process involving both classroom and online lessons, during which the students learned to find practical solutions to respond to environmental problems, learned about organisational and entrepreneurial management models, found out about the professional skills involved in the green production world by following all the steps in the process of transforming an idea into an entrepreneurial activity, to enhance individual and collective creativity. 

“The epochal crisis we are experiencing requires us to rethink and responsibly reorganise more sustainable development models, particularly from an environmental point of view: the conversion to a green economy is both a necessity and a great opportunity – says Anna Chiara Invernizzi, Vice Chair of Fondazione CRT and Chair of the ACRI Environment Committee –. Green jobs, skills and even consciences are in fact growing all the time, as demonstrated by the success of the ‘Fridays For Future’ movement and the more than 3 million professionals involved in the sector in Italy. ‘Green Jobs’, which is also supported by Fondazione CRT, is a forward-looking project that provides young people with the ‘green skills’ needed to develop environmental entrepreneurship”.

“Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo, through the Educating for Collective Development Mission of its People Goal, is particularly keen to contribute to achieving Development Goal 4 of the UN’s 2030 Agenda: to guarantee good quality, inclusive education that offers students innovative learning opportunities and supports their active involvement  – says Alberto Anfossi Secretary General of Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo – . The boys and girls got directly involved in this project, working in a team and challenging themselves, and continuing to work remotely with determination. Creating their mini-company motivated them and allowed them to learn in detail about issues surrounding the green economy and environmental sustainability, which are now and will increasingly be at the centre of our priorities to start building the future”.

Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo and Fondazione CRT have decided to award the winning schools a prize for their commitment and ability to propose innovative and sustainable solutions consistent with the UN’s 2030 Agenda.  The prize can be used to support education activities and consolidate innovations in teaching and learning processes.

Green Jobs was first established in 2015 by Fondazione Cariplo with the aim of promoting the development of crossover skills related to environmental sustainability and entrepreneurship in secondary school students. Since 2018, the project has spread across the country, involving 157 classes and more than 3,000 students, thanks to the involvement of 8 other foundations of banking origin belonging to ACRI: Fondazione CRT, Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo, Fondazione Carispezia, Fondazione Cariparo, Fondazione Caritro, Fondazione CR di Perugia, Fondazione Tercas and Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio Salernitana.

The students worked under the supervision of Junior Achievement Italia, which took care of the entrepreneurial content and educational coordination, and with the support provided to classes by Dream Coaches, and InVento Innovation Lab, which took care of creating and implementing the methodology in classes for building resilient businesses in line with the SDGs. Fondazione per la Scuola, an auxiliary body of Compagnia di San Paolo, participated in the work by highlighting the connection with other initiatives relating to the relationship between schools and the world of work.

The winning teams of the regional competitions will have the opportunity to take part in the final national event to be held by live streaming on 21 May 2020, where they will be asked to tell the whole Green Jobs Community about their project.