Foundation allocates over 16 million euros to projects relating to Culture, People and Planet for the four-year period 2023-2026. Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo and the Piedmont Regional Council have also signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for the design and development of three macro-interventions for the 0-6, 6-16 and 16-29 age-groups, for the “Città dell’Educazione”.

Publication date: 16 December 2022

Alberto Cirio, President of the Piedmont Region, and Francesco Profumo, Chair of Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo, today signed the Framework Protocol for the implementation of joint projects in the sectors of Culture, People and the Planet for the four-year period 2023/2026, as identified in the Company’s Multi-year Planning Document for 2021-2024, in the light of the United Nations 2030 Agenda through the related Sustainable Development Goals, with particular reference to health, which includes the theme of well-being, and culture, which includes the theme of capacity to attract.

“Compagnia di San Paolo is a valuable organisation for Piedmont and this gives us above all an opportunity to thank the Foundation for being constantly by our side, just as Intesa Sanpaolo has always been – underlined the Regional president Alberto Cirio  -. This agreement is part of a tradition that is being renewed, but which, in addition to allocating more resources over the next four years, will for the first time allow these funds to be allocated to new and important project areas, starting with health, with its links to sport, as well as cultural and social issues, especially for our young people towards whom, after these years of pandemic, we have an educational debt that we want to make up and today, with these resources and the additional agreement on three macro projects for the “Città dell’Educazione”, we are starting to do it. The funds put in place thanks to FCSP will also make a fundamental contribution to helping us increase the impact of NRRP funds, supporting our local authorities with development projects for our local areas”.

Compagnia di San Paolo is supporting the strategic framework set up under the Protocol with resources from its annual plan of up to 16 million for the four-year period 2023/2026, divided into four annual instalments of a maximum amount of 4 million euros according to the following scheme: interventions in the field of culture, which includes the areas capacity to attract, up to €1.5 million, and interventions in the field of health and well-being, including sports and the healthcare system, up to €2.5 million.

“Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo works as an agent of sustainable development by strengthening and supporting the public organisations it works with to improve the way they manage strategies for change, in line with the NRRP – said Francesco Profumo, Chair of the Turin-based organisation – The Framework Protocol is a major leap forward for us: the strategic component of the plan is central to multiplying the impact of investments made by us and the beneficiaries in action to deal not only with emergencies but with long-term needs, in the belief that only joint action can multiply the results and achieve major benefits for the community and the common good. We therefore confirm that the priority macro-areas of intervention are culture, capacity to attract and health, with particular reference to the themes of prevention, chronicity and correct lifestyles and a common interest in sharing information and coordinating actions and programmes in the educational and social areas. The document signed today also sets out to analyse and manage data, as well as to activate suitable tools and methods for setting up, monitoring and evaluating – both during the process and after completion – the fundamental elements of the respective strategies as regards the identification of projects and initiatives supported under the Protocol.”

The Piedmont Region and FCSP have teamed up to define, try out and support intervention methods to achieve long-term sustainability and/or efficiencies, as well as to study, try out and model practices and operations that make the use of resources more efficient and incisive.

“The Framework Protocol we are signing today – added Alberto Anfossi, Secretary General of Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo –  has allowed us to engage in a planned and well-organised dialogue with the Piedmont Region since 2016, enabling experimental projects of particular interest and responding quickly and effectively to the emergencies resulting from the pandemic crisis of 2020-2021, while also promoting interaction with the primary cultural institutions of which both institutions are members. In the light of this positive experience, we have renewed our commitment to the basic objective of promoting strategic planning for the Piedmont Region with positive long-term effects (albeit in limited areas). With this in mind, and in order to ensure the greater stability of the instrument, the term of the agreement is now four years. From a non-monetary point of view, we are committed to making available our integrated system of internal skills within the FCSP Group, and to support the dialogue regarding our own investment vehicles and instruments and those made in companies of which the Company is a shareholder, the fields of infrastructure, real estate, innovation and asset management”.

Finally, the Framework Protocol is also designed to provide a guidance structure, especially in terms of governance and resource allocation strategy, for the multi-annual “città dell’educazione” programme, due for launch in 2023.

“The major ‘Città dell’educazione’ programme –  said Francesco Profumo –  plans for the implementation of three macro-interventions over the next five years to combat falling birth rates, promote integrated actions for the care and education of children between the ages of 0 and 6, promote education and training opportunities for children and young people between 6 and 16, combat the NEET phenomenon. The extent of the commitment and resources we are providing – concluded Profumo “has the potential to bring major changes to the territory of the Piedmontese cities involved and to have a strong impact, especially for children and young people, with the ultimate goal of building a truly educational city, with a strong emphasis on inclusion, innovation and sustainability.”