Turin, 4 May 2020 – A meeting was held by video conference today to appoint the new General Council of Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo for 2020-2024.

Publication date: 4 May 2020

Chair: Prof. Francesco Profumo (appointed by the Municipality of Turin)

The Management Commmittee was appointed:
Vice Chair: Rosanna Ventrella (appointed by the Turin Chamber of Commerce)
Carlo Picco (appointed by the Piedmont Region)
Alessandro Barberis (appointed by Unioncamere Piemonte) Nicoletta Viziano (coopted by the General Council)

The General Council consists of:
Paola Bonfante (appointed by Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei)
Valeria Cappellato (appointed by the Municipality of Turin)
Elena Casolari (coopted by the General Council)
Michela Di Macco (appointed by Fondo Ambiente Italiano (FAI))
Enrico Filippi (appointed by Accademia delle Scienze di Torino) Vincenzo Ilotte (appointed by the Turin Chamber of Commerce) Ernesto Lavatelli (appointed by the Municipality of Genoa)
Penelope Lewis (appointed by the European Foundation Centre (EFC))
Angelo Matellini (appointed by the Genoa Chamber of Commerce) Remo Pertica (appointed by Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT))
Alberto Quadrio Curzio (appointed by the Milan Chamber of Commerce)
Roberta Siliquini (coopted by the General Council)

During the same session, the Board of Auditors was also appointed:
Chair: Margherita Spaini
Mario Matteo Busso
Ernesto Carrera

At this incredibly complex time in our history, Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo applied an extremely rigorous process to appointing the members of the General Council, as required by its articles of association, which focuses on transparency, professionalism, skills and on promoting the less represented gender within the governing body. It also considered the ages of members, to ensure a balanced representation, and the strategic skills demonstrated during the period 2016-2020.

The General Council thus established – with 14 appointments made by the Appointing Bodies and 3 members coopted by the General Council itself – has a very high profile membership: a former Minister of Education; former Chairs of prestigious institutions (Accademia dei Lincei, CNR and Istituto Superiore di Sanità); the Chair of ACRI; former senior managers of major groups (Fiat, Cassa di Risparmio di Torino and Finmeccanica); leading international academics, professionals, entrepreneurs and managers of major international institutions (World Bank). Having these skills within the Foundation will be very useful in supporting the post-Coronavirus restart phase and identifying the areas and tools of greatest impact for the development of the local area and the country as a whole, putting people at the centre, in the areas of training, research, health, society, culture and economic development.

“The Management Committee appointed by the General Council”, said the Chair “in addition to having proven skills in the strategic areas of the Foundation, is made up of people with a vast and proven experience in management, administration and finance. As is often pointed out to us by the communities we work with, the synergies between the Management Committee and the professionalism of the Company structure create an agent of development at local and national level that is of great value and reference for many”.

The overall governance of Compagnia di San Paolo promotes the less represented gender, further demonstrating that the Foundation is a modern entity, attentive to the evolution of society and with a strong sense of civil responsibility.