We encourage actions that help people adopt healthy lifestyles and that enable the health system to introduce new organisational models, thereby improving their resource efficiency and offering a high level of care, thanks in part to technological innovation and digital transformation. We promote healthcare practices that see prevention as a contributing factor to lifelong well-being and hence also to a more sustainable healthcare system.
Our work is divided into various areas of intervention.

The issue of well-being is central to the United Nations’ 2030 Agenda. To achieve sustainable development, it is essential to ensure healthy lives and promote the well-being of everyone, at every age. Great progress has been made in increasing life expectancy and reducing some of the most common causes of death associated with infant and maternal mortality. This is why we know that we can achieve even more ambitious goals.
The Promoting well-being mission, within the framework of the Planet Goal, intends to align itself with European planning and tackle the various aspects of this issue. A key role in this is played by our collaboration with IIGM – Italian Institute for Genomic Medicine, an auxiliary body that conducts research in genetics and genomics, and provides training, with the aid of scientific and technological disciplines, with a particular emphasis on the bioethical aspects of research.
The multiple facets of well-being
We take a multidisciplinary approach to well-being, by promoting prevention (primary and secondary) and the adoption of healthy lifestyles, with a view to preserving or recovering good physical and mental health. Certain factors, such as a healthy diet, physical activity and sport, can contribute to improving people’s health, which also has a positive economic impact, especially in terms of lower spending on health and social care.
For us, this means working on two different but complementary dimensions. On the one hand, we support projects that promote prevention, healthy lifestyles and physical activity, and make people aware of the importance of motor activity as a means of preventing chronic diseases and improving overall health. On the other, we support initiatives aimed upgrading sports facilities and facilitating access to them for everyone.
Innovation in healthcare
We strive to support technological innovation and the introduction of new organisational and management models in the regional health service. This is why FCSP has been working in partnership with Piedmont Regional Council for many years, and this collaboration has been formalised in the new 2020-2022 Agreement, which envisages coordinated development programmes in public health, and has made it possible to implement major interventions during the COVID-19 pandemic.
COVID-19 pandemic
In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic prompted us to take swift action and work in a new area of intervention, through emergency, short-term and medium-term initiatives. This enabled us to respond to the needs expressed by local health authorities and lay the foundations for enabling all citizens to have adequate access to the necessary care services in the recovery phase.
As part of the intervention plan we drew up during the peak months of the pandemic, we allocated a total of over 9 million euros, including 5 million euros to help Piedmont Regional Council provide additional intensive care and high-dependency care beds, and 3 million euros to set up a temporary healthcare area at the OGR centre, in collaboration with the institutions and other local banking foundations.
We also allocated 300,000 euros to Medicina a Misura di Donna, a non-profit foundation, for the purchase of personal protective equipment for Sant’Anna Hospital in Turin, up to 733,000 euros to Associazione ADISCO, including 133,000 euros for the purchase of personal protective equipment and 600,000 euros for the structural adaptation of the Regina Margherita paediatric oncology outpatient units. We also lent our support to ANPAS Piemonte, for the supply of personal protective equipment for public health service and Red Cross operators.