The Impact Innovation Department supports the CFO in evaluating investments and innovation-oriented initiatives, as well as in managing and making productive use of FCSP’s data.
On the financial front, the Impact Innovation Department offers innovation skills as a means of enhancing both impact investments and mission-related investments, by monitoring the international startup ecosystem, promoting productive use of research results from laboratory to market, and making rigorous use of data science as a support tool.
The Impact Innovation Department also takes care of fostering connections between finance and grant-making in support of institutions and actions aimed at knowledge generation, e.g. by reaping value from the outcomes of Agreements with Universities, as in the case of Proofs of Concept (PoCs) with market potential.
Thanks to the online application system development project, the recent implementation of the first version of the data warehouse system and the FCSP Data Hub initiative (a structured, systematic initiative for the insourcing of Open Data), the department will play an increasingly important role in the planning and management of FCSP’s data assets.
Projects supported by the Impact Innovation Department

Techstars Smart Mobility Accelerator
Techstars Smart Mobility Accelerator is a start-up acceleration programme that aims to attract the best entrepreneurial projects to Turin, from all over the world, focused on future mobility systems.