The first virtual conference dedicated to foundations of banking origin will be held today.

Publication date: 17 November 2020

The first virtual conference dedicated to foundations of banking origin will open today at 10:15 and is entitled:Foundations of banking origin, preserving and enhancing heritage to pursue the mission“, organised by Itinerari Previdenziali.

The event will also be attended by Francesco Profumo, Chair of Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo and Chair of ACRI.

The COVID-19 pandemic has triggered an unprecedented health crisis that has immediately resulted in an economic and financial crisis: a situation which has accentuated the need for foundations of banking origin to review their investments particularly in terms of the positive impact they can have on the local area and, more generally, the country’s economy.

These foundations are in fact distinguished by the particular alignment between their mission and social impact investments that can assist with economic recovery and modernise the social protection system, under pressure from the consequences of the pandemic, without however neglecting the ability to generate a return on the capital invested. 

Unlike other institutional investors, for foundations of banking origin, heritage is the main asset available to fulfil their purpose: to support the well-being of their community and promote the economic and social development of their local area.

For some time, therefore, these organisations have begun to look at heritage not only as a source for performing their institutional activities, by making contributions, but also as an instrument that can be directly used to pursue their mission. Investment thus takes on a much broader scope than that of a mere disbursement, allowing conditions to develop that ensure the more concrete sustainability of the interventions. 

The conference scheduled for this morning will provide an opportunity to debate these subjects and, thanks to a speech by Antonio Misiani, the Deputy Minister of Economy and Finance, to determine how, at this particular time in history, the government can intervene to further facilitate their institutional activities and investments.