Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo has appointed the members of the new Board of Directors of Ufficio Pio.
At a meeting held on 6th July, the Management Board of Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo appointed the members of the Board of Directors of Ufficio Pio.
Established in 1595, Ufficio Pio is an auxiliary body of Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo that operates independently and supports people and families in vulnerable situations or experiencing social and economic hardship in the Piedmont region, particularly in the Turin metropolitan area.
Ufficio Pio works in partnership with numerous local organisations, around 150 volunteers and a staff of 34.
Its financial resources consist mainly of the annual contribution from Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo and other minor sources of income and annuities.
Here is the new Board of Directors.
Marco Sisti – Chair
Paolo Fini
Antonella Di Fabio
Franca Maino
Amajou Abderrahmane
Marzia Sica, appointed in 2019
Marco Vignati, appointed in 2019
Board of Auditors
Ernesto Carrera – Chair
Sonia Luciani
Alessandro Rossi
Paolo Ceruzzi (alternate auditor)