Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo and the University of Turin, which have been awarded Lot 5 of the site, will breathe new life into a culturally and historically unique site.
Turin, 19 October 2021 – Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo and the University of Turin have been awarded Lot 5 of the Cavallerizza Reale project after taking part in the call for tenders published by Cartolarizzazioni Città di Torino S.r.l. The agreement between the two institutions provides for the creation of a Cultural Hub inside the Cavalleria Reale complex that will restore to Turin a fundamental part of its historic city centre.
The project provides a concrete and long-awaited redevelopment solution that is an example of how urban and contemporary innovation can be applied to the conservation of the historical and artistico heritage of an asset protected by UNESCO since 1997.
The shared objective is to recover the eighteenth-century inspiration and connections in a unitary project that will offer citizens new courtyards and new pedestrian pathways across the historic centre, as well as a new access to the Royal Gardens.
“The Cavallerizza Reale is a historical heritage that deserves to be redeveloped, admired and experienced by the inhabitants of Turin and tourists. We feel the responsibility of taking care of a monument made of wealth, beauty and values that can finally recover its splendour – ha said Francesco Profumo, Chair of Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo -. This is a highly complex challenge, made possible by joint work with the University, Polo delle Arti and Cassa Depositi e Prestiti: a team of authoritative public institutions and private individuals who share a design idea that focuses on culture and the enhancement of the landscape.
All the conditions now exist to redesign a part of the city and attract further resources to restore the Rotonda Castellamontiana and Alfieri Maneggio, in order to create a link between Via Verdi and the Royal Gardens, in a space open to citizens and to artistic and cultural events.”
“The Cultural Hub that will be created at the Cavallerizza Reale will further enhance the cultural offer of Turin and the attractiveness to tourists of Turin and its historic centre Alberto Anfossi, Secretary General of Fondazione Compagnia di San Paolo -. The Cavallerizza complex in fact stands a few short steps from some of the city’s main cultural institutions: the University, the Royal Museums, the Royal Theatre, the Stabile Theatre and the Museum of Cinema.
This project will enhance and promote the historic link between our Foundation and these Institutions. Cavallerizza Reale will also provide space for the new offices, which we imagine to be open, in dialogue with the city and its inhabitants, particularly through the redevelopment of its distinctive green areas and public spaces.”
See the full press release here.