Co-governed bodies and companies due to renew their Governing Bodies in 2021 – Appointment and selection procedure.

This page lists the Bodies and Companies that have Governing Bodies whose terms of office are due to expire in 2021, and to which FCSP has the power to appoint/designate Governing Body Members.

In view of the forthcoming renewal of these Governing Bodies, prospective candidates may apply for posts on them by sending their curriculum vitae – to be completed according to the pdf format attached to this web page – and a copy of their identity document by email to

You can apply for a maximum of three positions in total. Your application must be submitted in a single email, specifying the position for which you intend to apply as your first preference. Applications may be submitted until 31 January 2021. Applications received after this date will not be taken into consideration.

Selection and appointment/designation process

For the purposes of the search, selection and appointment/designation process, FCSP uses a special Appointments Committee and adheres to specific principles, such as:

  • prior planning of activities, with particular reference to defining the appropriate profiles for each position on the basis of the strategic objectives of the Body or Company for the term of office concerned;
  • use of transparent methods;
  • reference to market best practices, where relevant and taking account of the specific features of FCSP.

The search and selection of candidates for the post can also be carried out with the support of executive search companies.

With the assistance of a law firm, FCSP conducts checks to ensure that candidates for the post meet the requirements of good honour and professionalism and are not debarred from holding the post by virtue of situations of incompatibility/ineligibility.

Appointments/designations are decided by the Management Board, whose judgement is final. The Board considers applications received by 31 January 2021, candidates from within FCSP and its Governing Bodies, where compatible, and any additional external candidates.

The search and selection process takes account of specific criteria, such as:

(i) where relevant, prior verification of the eligibility requirements laid down in the reference legislation for the specific Company or Body (including the requirements of good honour and professionalism, gender, absence of causes of incompatibility/ineligibility and conflicts of interest, compliance with limits on the number of posts that can be held at once, etc.);

(ii) possession of proven, qualified professional skills, and no more than the number of other appointments deemed compatible with effective performance of the duties of the office, in relation to the size, complexity and specific nature of the co-governed Body or Company concerned and the sector in which it operates;

(iii) a balanced combination of gender, skills and professionalism, aimed at achieving the most appropriate overall composition of the Governing Body;

(iv) the operating performance of the Body or Company (also taking account of Group considerations, as regards the Auxiliary Bodies);

(v) the existence of internal candidates (also taking account of Group considerations, as regards the Auxiliary Bodies), identified in compliance with the specified criteria.

Where relevant, account will also be taken of any recommendations of the outgoing Governing Body regarding the composition of its successor.

Within the framework of the above process, the Appointments Committee:

(i) annually reviews the renewal requirements of the Governing Bodies of the Auxiliary Bodies, whether co-governed or otherwise, and of the co-governed companies;

(ii) checks compliance with the principles, process and criteria relating to the search and selection of the members of the above Governing Bodies;

(iii) expresses its mandatory, non-binding, prior opinion on the proposed appointments/designations collected and/or formulated by the Secretary General, before they are submitted to the Management Board;

(iv) reports periodically to the Management Committee on the work carried out.

Below is a list of the bodies and companies concerned, specifying the number of positions to be filled for each.

Auxiliary bodies

Co-governed bodies

Non-co-governed bodies

Co-governed companies

Curriculum Vitae Format